Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Q: I have a website/business that I want to advertise on WOB. Can I?

Yes, you can. We accept only banners and advertising opportunities depend on availability. Please get in touch with us to know rates.

Q: Can I buy links on your website to advertise my business?

No, we don’t allow text based/hyperlinks advertisements.

Q: I work for a large advertising agency and looking to buy impressions. What should I do?

We usually remain sold out most of the year, but we may accommodate you depending on availability and your network’s performance. Please drop us a message.

Q: I’m an artist/photographer. Can I submit my work?

Creative artists are welcome to submit their work for publication on WOB. Please use the contact form to submit your work. Submission of work doesn’t guarantee publication on WOB.

Q: I took a great picture that I want to submit. What do I do?

That’s wonderful. However, we don’t publish individual images. If your picture is about a place/object/monument/event that we have written about in the past, then we may publish the picture in the article. If we haven’t written about that subject yet, then maybe we will write about it in future, wherein your picture will come helpful. To submit your pictures, simply mail them to

Q: Do you accept guest post?

We are always looking for well written articles from guest authors. Submissions should be within the subject material covered by WOB. We have strict guidelines on quality. Please submit your work only if you have a genuine interest in writing. Submissions whose primary motive is to advertise other businesses will be rejected.

Q: Do you publish infographics?

We don’t publish infographics.

Q: Can I join WOB as a regular contributor?

While we accept guest contributions, we don’t have paid positions available at this moment. You can still send us your C.V. for future openings.

Q: How do I remove my pictures that appear on WOB?

Your pictures appear on WOB because we love them! However, if we want them removed, we totally understand. Please use the contact form to get in touch with us.

Q: Am I permitted to use pictures published on WOB on another website/book?

WOB does not hold the copyright to any of the images published on the website, unless otherwise stated. The rightful owner of the pictures are mentioned underneath each picture as “Photo credit” or at the end of the article under “Sources”. Please contact the original creators for permission of re-use.


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